Lysekil International`Winther Edition
29 - 30 dec 2024
CupOnline - Gratis Cup

LYSEKIL INTERNATIONAL CUP   ``Winther Edition 2024

Welcome to the Lysekil International Cup Winther Edition which will be played in Lysekil Sweden 29-30 Dec 2024 with International teams. The CUP is open to all teams, private organizations and Club-teams.

This Cup has level Competitive meaning skills are very high on players. Both Club-teams and private teams are welcome. Cup is played as a serie with playoffs.The Games are  xx xx Min and are played on fullsize NHL rink.All Teams will play minimum of 6-7 Games.All teams must have there Nations Flag on the left breast GameJersey.( 8X5 CM)( 3,2X 2 Inch) If Teams are in need of order GameJersey with reduced price and sponsorship,please contact

Accomodation can be arranged via Lysekil Kommun, in Classrooms or gymnasiums/dorms. Snacks are included on all days and lunch Friday. Other meals can be arranged in our dining area for selfexpenses.


Class1 U13 Birthyear 2012.

Class 2 U14 Birthyear 2011



Team-Registration fee: 698 will be payed upon registration,Included is: 15 players and two Goalie, and 3 coaches are included in the fee.

Playerfee: 78each player.To be payed latest 1 Dec 2024.

Competitive level is equivalent but not the same as TIER 1 AAA-system of North America. The Swedish Hockey Federation does not have / or allow a gradingsytem such as Tier 1,2,3, therefore The Cupmanagement has grade the level of Cup as Competitive.


The Competition:

All games are schedueled to be played 5 against 5 according Swedish Hockey federation rulemaking. In the initial series, if games are Tied the finalization of games will be determined by shootout. 3 for each teams. The winner of that shootout will have an additional point +1.

For all games in the play-off wich will result in Tied,then 5 min Sudden D( 3 against 3) will determined the winner. If games are not finalized with a winner,the shootout will occur,with best of 5 shootout will finalize the winner of that Game.

How is points calculated in each games: Winner of a Game 3 Points. Tied 1 Point, loss 0 points. Winner after shootout +1 Point.

There will be players in all category ``Defense,Forward,Goalie that shows exceptionally good sportmanship&Determination awarded in each Cayegory Class 1, Class 2.




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