Lední hokej
9-17 april 2013
U13(-00) & U14(-99)
CupOnline - Gratis Cup
Sponzor FERRAX SPORT s.r.o.
 U10 (born 2003 and younger): 9 th of April 2013 (min 4 games)
 U11 (born 2002 and younger): 10. - 11 th of April 2013 (min 5 games)
 U12 (born 2001 and younger): 12 - 13 th of April 2013 (min 5 games)
 U13 (born 2000 and younger): 14 – 15 th of April 2013 (min 5 games)
 U15 (born 1998 and younger): 16 - 17 th of April 2013 (min 5 games)

WTT je projekt, který umožnuje talentovaným hráèùm z celé Evropy se sejít na jedineèném turnaji WTT a konfrontovat se mezi sebou. (Turnaj je vypsán pro roèníky narození 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003)

Nabídka mládežnických turnajù je velice pestrá, hráèi se jich vìtšinou úèastní ve stále stejných týmech, pod vedením stejných trenérù, kde zaujímají stále stejnou roli èi post. Zcela jiným modelem turnaje, který hráèe formuje a inspiruje je program turnajù WTT, kde hráè musí reagovat na nové podnìty, nové spoluhráèe, novou roli v týmu, pokyny trenérù. Právì proto je tento koncept tak jedineèný a efektivní... Pøihlášení hráèi do projektu WTT- WORLD TALENT TOURNAMENT jsou rozdìleni do jednotlivých výbìrových týmù Hockey Talent Academy, EAST SELECT, WEST SELECT, SHL SELECT a dalších - jsou jim pøi prezenci zapùjèeny zcela originální dresy vèetnì vlastních jmenovek, návleky a stulpny. Projekt WTT se hráèi postará i o ubytování a stravu tak, aby mìl hráè co nejvìtší komfort a soustøedil se pouze na svùj výkon a svùj tým. Výbìrové týmy vedou zkušení trenéøi s vynikajícími mezinárodními trenérskými i hráèskými zkušenostmi a jsou vybaveni jazykovými znalostmi (èesky, francouzky, anglicky). Tato akce je koncipována i jako rozšíøený TRYOUT pro turnaje Bauer Select Invite a hokejovou stáž v kanadském Vancouveru!

Turnaje WTT mají atraktivní koncepci, hrací systém, dovednostní soutìže, bohatý doprovodný program a samozøejmostí jsou i originální ocenìní (originální medaile, poháry, individuální ceny). Domovským stánkem pro turnaj WTT 2013 - WORLD TALENT TOURNAMENT 2013 je nová sportovní aréna ve Svìtlé nad Sázavou s velmi dobrým zázemím, utkání budou rozhodovat rozhodèí s vyššími ligovými licencemi.

V rámci turnaje mùžete shlédnout nespoèet talentovaných hráèù, poznáte nové trenéry, jinou organizaci hry, nauèíte se plnit role v týmu, získáte náskok oproti hráèùm nastupujícím za stále stejné týmy, které vìtšinou fungují v zabìhlých kolejích, beze zmìn... Stanete se tak souèástí originálního projektu "European Hockey Talent". Úèast v projektu WTT není podmínìna žádnou jinou pøedchozí spoluprácí a je otevøena všem talentovaným hráèùm!


We would like to inform you that your son was selected into SELECT team for „World Talent Tournament – AAA Elite“ (Czech Republic – Svìtlá nad Sázavou, which will take place for following categories:

 U10 (born 2003 and younger): 9 th of April 2013 (min 4 games)
 U11 (born 2002 and younger): 10. - 11 th of April 2013 (min 5 games)
 U12 (born 2001 and younger): 12 - 13 th of April 2013 (min 5 games)
 U13 (born 2000 and younger): 14 – 15 th of April 2013 (min 5 games)
 U15 (born 1998 and younger): 16 - 17 th of April 2013 (min 5 games)

WTT is a project allowing the best European players of each categories to meet in unique tournament and play against others (concerned players born in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003). A player must participate in the tournament of his year of birth, but he can also play for higher categorie (max. 1 year) if he represents Hockey Talent Academy team during the event.

There are a lot of different tournaments but the players are mostly involved in same teams, with same coach, with same role in the team. New vision of WTT tournament put players in new conditions where players have to react to new teammates, new coaches and new instructions during the games. That is why this concept is so UNIQUE and EFFECTIVE! Registered players for WTT – World Talent Tournament – project will be divised into different teams EAST SELECT, WEST SELECT, SHL SELECT and others. Players will received for the competition original jerseys with player´s name, cover pants and socks (possibility to order your jersey at the end of the tournaments). The WTT organisation takes care of accomodation and meals so that the players could be focus only on theirs performances and games. Teams will be coach by experimented coaches with excellent coaching and playing international experiences (english, german and french speaking). This event is designed as an extented Tryout for tournament Bauer Select Invite and hockey Camp in Vancouver – Canada.

WTT tournaments have an attractive concept, game system, skills competition a rich program and, of course, there are also original awards (original medals, cups, individual awards). The WTT 2013 – WORLD TALENT TOURNAMENT – headquarter is the new arena in Svìtlá nad Sázavou with very goods facilities. All games will be officiated by official referees.

During the tournament, you can follow talented players, meet new coaches, discover new playing organization, learn to fill new roles in the team. Those players will improve quicker and better than players playing always same situations without new challenges… Become part of original project „European Hockey Talent“. Participation in the project WTT is not conditioned by any others previous collaborations and it is open to all talented players!
