Future Stars Blues International Tournament
Lední hokej
2 - 3 jan 2016

Future Stars Blues International Tournament


Future Stars Blues International Tournament
Hemlag: Blues Juniors E2 Leppävaara
U11 / 2005
Reebok Arena, Esbo (Helsingfors), Finland

2.1.2016 nivå A (lätt) 8 lag och AAA (stark) 8 lag.
3.1.2016 nivå AA (mellan stark) 2 x 8 lag.

Obs: Extra spel, dagen före eller efter, kan ordnas.

Paket innehåller: Turnering, logi i hotell eller närvarande skola, helpension och buss om den behövs. Paketpris beror på antal resande, nätter och logi.  

Flyg Stockholm-Helsingfors-Stockholm ca SEK1100 med två väskor.
Stockholm-Helsingfors t.ex 1.1.2016 16:30-18:25
Helsingfors-Stockholm t.ex. 3.1.2016 21:05-21:05

Båt: www.tallinksilja.se eller www.vikingline.se
Obs: Båtarna ankommer till Helsingfors 2.1. först kl 10. 

Närmare uppgifter från Simopekka Heiskanen phtourconsulting@gmail.com

Blues Juniors 05 Leppävaara Hockey team is organizing an international hockey tournament for
juniors players born 2005. The tournament has divisions for A, AA and AAA players. On the first
day A and AAA level divisions are having their own tournaments on two separate rinks. On the
second day there are two AA tournaments on two rinks. Both rinks are at the same arena. Each
tournament will have 8 teams combining to 32 teams in total. All the teams will get at least 4
games in the tournament.
Prices: One team 600
, two teams 1000
and if the same club has 2 teams on both days the
cost is 1800
. You can attend to both days by dividing A and AAA players for the next day in two
equally strong AA teams.
Place: Finland, Espoo, Leppävaara. Reebok arena. Address: Maantienpelto 1, Espoo, Finland.
Lunch is 8
per player and it will be organized in the arena or right next to it. Food orders have
to be done in advance. We can help you with accomodation on hotel or in a public school with
your own sleeping bags. School accommodation is 20
per person including breakfast.
Reservation charge is 100
. The whole tournament has to be paid by December 1st 2015.
Account number.
FI89 1215 3000 1318 99
. Message on the payment:
Sing up by e-mail
For more info e-mail or call Timo Lampinen,
, +358405363191.
Timo Lampinen
Blues Juniors E2 LeppävaaraNärmäre uppgifter från Simopekka Heiskanen: phtourconsulting@gmail.com

Cup is finished

The Cup finished 3074 days ago.