7th KOSYL CUP U-12 2013
15 - 17 Nov. 2013
U-12 (boys & girls born 2002 and younger)

7th KOSYL CUP U-12 2013


I would like to invite you and your young ice hockey players to our KOSYL CUP U-11 2013 - VIIth International Ice Hockey Tournament in Lodz, Poland. It is going to be international tournament organized by LKH, the ice hockey club in Lodz. The main sponsor will be Sportrebel, Polish distributor of BAUER and FISCHER. It will be on 15, 16 and 17 November 2013 (Friday, Saturday and Sunday). It is for players born in 2002 or younger. There are going to be 10 or 8 teams from Poland and abroad. It will be organized on two ice rinks. Each team will play 7 games (2 x 20 min.).
Web site of last year tournament: www.kosylcup.org.pl
I hope you will come and take a part in our event.
Team fee: 200 Euro
Accommodation and food: 25 Euro per person, per day

Maciej Lewy, mlewy@lcl.com.pl, mobile +48 501 741 627
www.lkhzone.pl; e-mail: hokejlodz@o2.pl

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