Information Lysekil
The Games are now published at however there will be some minor changes up to 10 days prior to the first games 20 June. 10 Days before the cup start there will be no changes to the planned Games.
Välkommen till Lysekil International Cup som spelas i Lysekil 21-23 Juni 2024 med internationella lag.Några matcher kommer spelas från 17:00 den 20 Juni. Cup är nivå Competitive(Svår) .Både klubblag samt privata aktörer är välkomna. Cup spelas som serie med slutspel Final samt bronsmatch för Klass U13 2012. För U14 2011 spelas CUP som rak serie utan slutspel. Matcher spelas 2 X20 min.Boende kan ordnas via Kommunen i klassrum eller gymnastiksal i fritidsgården under ishallen.
Grupp 1 Klass 1 U13 2012. 5 lag
Grupp 2 Klass 1 U14 2011. 8 lag
Spelform för Cup.
Helplansmatcher där 5 mot 5.Spelregler enligt Svenska Ishockeyförbundet.Överårig spelare ( 2010) tillåts om laget har svårt att få fram ordinarie spelare pga sjukdom eller andra omständigheter.Detta måste godkännas senast dagen innan Cupstart av Cupledning.Alla deltagande lag måste ha sin nations flagga på vänster bröst på Matchtröja.(8X5 CM)
Vid Oavgjort resultat i gruppspelsmatcherna kommer avgörande genom 3 st straffar. Vinnaren erhåller då en extra poäng.
Oavgjort resultat i placeringsmatcherna avgörs med 5 min sudden D (spel 3 mot 3) och därefter Sudden straffar tills vinnare avgjorts.
Hur räknas poäng. Vinst ger 3 poäng, oavgjort 1 poäng, förlust 0 poäng. Vinst efter straffar ger en ( 1) extrapoäng
Pris delas även ut till spelare som visat särskilt gott ``Sportmanship& Determination i kategori Defense,Forward och Goalie i varje Klass.
Vad betyder nivå Competitive: Nivån på spelande lag är mycket hög. Svenska Ishockeyförbundet har valt att inte använda klassificering liknande de som används i Nord Amerika ``Tier 1 systemet utan det närmast som kan förklara den nivån är Competitive.
LYSEKIL INTERNATIONAL CUP ``Competitive"(English version)
The Games are now published at however there will
be some minor changes up to 10 days prior to the first games 20:th June. 10
Days before the cup start there will be no changes to the planned
Welcome to the Lysekil International Cup which will be played in Lysekil Sweden 21-23 June 2024 with International teams.There will be a few Games already on the Evening of 20 June. Overage player(2010)(2011) can be exempted from participating in the CUP if the team has difficulty getting the team together due to circumstance such as illness or other circumstance.This must be approved by Cupmanagement no later than the day before CUP Starts. 19 June 2024.
This Cup has level Competitive meaning skills are very high on players. Both Club-teams and private teams are welcome. Cup is played as a serie with playoffs only for the Class U13 2012, with Final and Bronze Game. For U14 2011 the CUP is played as serie RoundRobin.The Games are 2x20 Min and are played on fullsize NHL rink.All Teams will play minimum of 4-6 Games.All teams must have there Nations Flag on the left breast GameJersey.( 8X5 CM)( 3,2X 2 Inch) If Teams are in need of order GameJersey with reduced price and sponsorship,please contact
Accomodation can be arranged via Lysekil Kommun, in Classrooms or gymnasiums/dorms in fritidsgården under the arena.
Group 1 Class1 U13 2012 5 Teams.
Group 2 Class 1 U14 2011.8 Teams
The Tournament does not accept any more teams.
Competitive level is equivalent but not the same as TIER 1 AAA-system of North America. The Swedish Hockey Federation does not have / or allow a gradingsytem such as The Tier-system, therefore The Cupmanagement has grade the level of Cup as Competitive.
The Competition:
All games are schedueled to be played 5 against 5 according Swedish Hockey federation rulemaking. In the initial series, if games are Tied the finalization of games will be determined by shootout. 3 for each teams. The winner of that shootout will have an additional point +1.
For all games in the play-off wich will result in Tied,then 5 min Sudden D( 3 against 3) will determined the winner. If games are not finalized with a winner,the shootout will occur,with best of 5 shootout will finalize the winner of that Game.
How is points calculated in each games: Winner of a Game 3 Points. Tied 1 Point, loss 0 points. Winner after shootout +1 Point.
There will be players in all category ``Defense,Forward,Goalie that shows exceptionally good sportmanship&Determination awarded in each Cayegory Class 1, Class 2.