24 - 26 apr 2015
Zak Starszy
CupOnline - Gratis Cup



Łódź, 24-26 April 2015




Łodzki Klub Hokejowy (Lodz Ice Hockey Club) is the organizer of the tournament.

City of Lodz Office and MOSiR Łódź are the co-organizers.



The tournament is for players born in 2001 or later from the following teams:

Select 49 (Czech Republik)

Kunte Select (Czech Republik)

HK Brest (Belarus)

Niemen Grodno (Belarus)

Metropolia Silesia (Poland)

MKS Sokoły Toruń (Poland)

ŁKH Łódź U-14 (Poland)

ŁKH Łódź U-15 (Poland)




The event is  held on 24th, 25th and 26th April 2014.

The exact times of each game are shown in the program of the tournament.




The competition is held at the ice rink 'Bombonierka' at 28 Stefanowskiego Street, Lodz.

The organizer’s mobile: Maciej Lewy 501 74 16 27and e mail mlewy@lcl.com.pl


  1. TEAMS

ñ      Each team should consist of up to 20 players and 2 goalkeepers.

ñ      Participants must be born in 2001 or later.

ñ      It is possible for up to 3 girls born in 2000, in a team to take part in the tournament.

ñ      The manager of each team should present the following documents to the Technical Committee before the start of the tournament:

1.      the completed team rooster with first and last names and game numbers

2.      the actual medical statement of each athlete

3.      for Polish players: PZHL Registration Cards  or school cards

4.      for foreign players: a copy of the passport





Ø      all games consist of two (2x) 20 minutes periods with the stopwatch

Ø      ice cleaning is after each match

Ø      5 minute warm-up is provided without pucks on the ice after the ice cleaning

Ø      in case of a draw the result is determined by a series of penalty shots

Ø      body checking is allowed

Ø      3 points are awarded for a WIN

Ø      2 points are awarded for a WIN after penalty shots

Ø      1 point is awarded for a LOSS after penalty shots

Ø      if the goal difference is higher than 5 goals the game can be played at running time. If the goal difference is reduced to 2 goals the game is continued with the game stop time.

Preliminary round

ñ      the preliminary round is held on Friday 24th November and Saturday 25th April

ñ      all games consist of two (2x) 20 minutes periods with the stopwatch

ñ      ice cleaning is after each match

ñ      the teams are divided into two groups, each of  4 teams.

ñ      it is a round robin tournament i.e. all-play-all tournament

ñ      after the preliminary round the  teams are placed according to the gained points

ñ      in case of a tie i.e. the equal points gained by two or more teams, the following factors decide:

a) in case of two teams:

ñ      the points gained in the match between the teams

ñ      the number of the goals scored in the match between the teams

ñ      the difference of goals scored and missed in all the matches

ñ      higher number of goals scored in the tournament

b) in case of more than two teams

ñ      the Technical Committee prepares an additional grading scale based solely on the matches of the teams

ñ      if the grading scale shows that two teams gained the same number of points the procedures a) the case of two teams are applied

ñ      if after applying procedures from a) and b) it is not possible to establish the order of the teams in each group, the Technical Committee in the presence of the representatives of the teams organizes a draw

Semi-final round

The semi-final round is held on Saturday 25th April.

All games consist of two (2x) 20 minutes periods with the stopwatch

Ice cleaning is after each match

The two teams from each group that came first and second  play 1-4 semi-finals. The team that came first in A group plays against the team that came second in B group whereas the team placed first in B group plays against the team placed second in A group.

The two teams from each group that came third and fourth play 5-8 place semi-finals. The team that came third in A group plays against the team that came fourth in B group whereas the team placed third in B group plays against the team placed fourth in A group.

The host of the game is the higher ranked team in the preliminary round.

In case of a draw the result is determined by a series of penalty shots.

Final round

The final round is held on on Sunday 26th April.

All games consist of three (3x) 20 minutes periods with the stopwatch

Ice cleaning is after second period and after each match

The semi-final winners play respectively the first, the fifth and the ninth place games whereas the teams that lost their games at the semi-final round play respectively the third, the seventh and the eleventh place games.

The host of the game is the higher ranked team in the preliminary round. In case of the two teams being placed the same in the preliminary round, the Technical Committee introduces the procedure of a drawing.

In case of a draw the result is determined by a series of penalty shots.


Awards at the end of the tournament go to:

ñ      best goal keeper

ñ      the best forward player

ñ      the best defender

ñ      the best player of the tournament (MVP)

ñ      the best player from ŁKH team


Each match is supported by two on-ice referees.

IIHF and PZHL regulations are applied in the tournament.

The player who received a match penalty is suspended from the rest of the tournament.

The player who received two 10minute penalties is suspended from one match.


The organizers of the tournament appoint the Technical Committee:

u     Maciej Lewy

u     Tomasz Kurowski

u     Robert Łuczak

The Technical Committee announces the results and the points gained at the end of each day and presents the announcement to the representatives of each team.

The Technical Committee is also to consider written protests. Each protest should go with the deposit of 200 PLN. In case of a positive verdict, the deposit is returned. In case of a negative verdict, the deposit is kept.

The decisions of the Technical Committee are final.


The players of the three best teams receive medals.

Each team gets a cup.

The winners of the individual categories get statuettes.

All participants get diplomas and small gifts.


The organizer has the right to the final interpretations of the regulations of the tournament.






                                                                                                          Maciej Lewy

