Dcuf 2015/16
30 sep 2015 - 30 apr 2016

For alle turneringer under DCuF gælder at der spilles efter WCF´s regler, samt de Danske supplerende regler.

Turnerigssystem og regler for Junior DM 2015-16

DM program for piger.
Der indledes med 1 x Round Robin, vinder af denne RR er direkte i finalen. De 3 resterende hold rangeres (2, 3 og 4) og spiller en ny RR. Den samlede vinder af de to RR, er kvalificeret til finalen som hold nr. 2.

Hold placeret som nr. 3 og 4 efter de to RR, spiller én kamp om bronzemedaljerne.


DM program for drenge.

Der indledes med 1 x Round Robin, vinder af denne RR er direkte i finalen som hold nr. 1.

De resterende 4 hold rangeres (2, 3, 4, og 5), hold rangeret som nr. 2 og 3 spiller semifinale, vinderen af denne kamp træder ind i finalen som hold nr. 2. Taberen af denne kamp spiller bronzekamp.

Hold rangeret som nr. 4 og 5 efter indledende RR, spiller en placeringskamp om at komme i bronzekampen, vinderen af kampen træder ind i bronzekampen som hold nr. 4.


Træning: Opvarmning på banen starter h.h.v. 30 og 15 minutter før kampstart (tidspunktet anført i spilleplanen). Opvarmningen må ikke vare længere end 9 minutter. Det hold der står først i programmet, har første træning, og de spiller med mørke sten.

Sidste sten: Der spilles om retten til sidste sten før hver kamp. Begge hold skal sætte 2 sten (Last Shot Draw - LSD) i umiddelbar forlængelse af holdenes respektive træning, dette gøres efter WCF nye regler, som kan læses nederst i programmet.

Tidtagning: Der kan forekomme tidtagning på enkelte kampe, hvis dette sker, vil de to hold på den berørte bane blive orienteret om det i god tid.

Såfremt holdene bruger urimeligt meget tid til at få afviklet deres kamp (kampe hvor der ikke er tidtagning på), vil dommeren skride ind og bede holdene om at sætte tempoet op. En sådan henvendelse fra dommeren SKAL tages alvorligt, og kravet skal efterleves.

Time out: Der spilles med 1 Time-out i disse kampe.

Turneringsudvalget forbeholder sig ret til at ændre i programmet, såfremt der i programmet har indsneget sig unfair konkurrence eller uhensigtsmæssige fordele/ulemper til et eller flere af holdene.  

Last Draw Shot + Draw Shot Challenge:

 (Effective 1 January 2015) For games requiring Last Stone Draws (LSD), at the conclusion of each team’s pre-game practice, two stones will be delivered to the tee at the home end, by different players - the first stone with a clockwise and the second with a counter-clockwise rotation. Sweeping is allowed (except in wheelchair curling).

 The distance between the stone and the tee, if it finishes in the house, will be measured in centimetres. A stone not finishing in the house will be recorded as 185.4 cm. Stones that finish so close to the tee that they cannot be measured are recorded as 0.0 cm.

 The first stone will be measured and removed from play before the second stone is delivered. The distances recorded for each stone will be added together to give the team its LSD total for that game. The team with the lesser LSD total will have the choice of delivering the first or second stone in the first end of that game. If the LSD totals for both teams are the same the individual LSD stones are compared and the best-unequal LSD has the choice of delivering first or second stone in the first end. When both teams have the exact same individual LSD stone distances, a coin toss will be used to determine that choice.

 The number of LSD stones, and the number of clockwise and counter-clockwise deliveries for each player, will be determined at each competition depending upon the number of games in the round robin.

 LSD stones that cover the tee must be measured and an appropriate LSD value assigned to them.

 (a) LSD distances will be displayed as the distance from the tee to the center of the stone.

 (b) The official radius to be used in WCF championships is 14.2 cm

 (c) To any result measured, the radius of 14.2 cm has to be added. This means that the new distance for stones not in the house is 185.4 cm + 14.2 cm = 199.6 cm

 (d) Stones covering the tee will be measured from two locations at the edge of the 4ft circle

 (e) These two locations are at a 90° angle and 0.610 m (2 feet) from the centre hole.

 Each player has to fulfill the minimum number of LSD deliveries. If there is a violation where the minimum requirements are not fulfilled, the appropriate LSD(s) will be recorded as 185.4 cm. If an alternate delivers LSD stones, that player’s total number of stones has to be combined with one other player so that the alternate and that player also have delivered the minimum required number of LSD stones

Round robin games

Number of LSD stones

Minimum for each player



2 stones, 1 clockwise + 1 counter-clockwise



2 stones, 1 clockwise + 1 counter-clockwise



2 stones, 1 clockwise + 1 counter-clockwise



3 stones, 1 clockwise + 1 counter-clockwise



3 stones, 1 clockwise + 1 counter-clockwise



4 stones, 2 clockwise + 2 counter-clockwise



4 stones, 2 clockwise + 2 counter-clockwise



4 stones, 2 clockwise + 2 counter-clockwise


