RIGA CUP 2013 U-16
Lední hokej
19 - 21 apr 2013
CupOnline - Gratis Cup


All tournament games will be played in accordance with the current rules of the I.I.H.F. with the following additions/exceptions:

A1 Under 18 tournament will be played by players born in 1995 or later

A2 Under 16 tournament will be played by players born in 1997 or later

A3 Under 15 tournament will be played by players born in 1998 or later

A4 Under 14 tournament will be played by players born in 1999 or later

A5 Under 13 tournament will be played by players born in 2000 or later

A6 Under 12 tournament will be played by players born in 2001 or later

A7 Under 11 tournament will be played by players born in 2002 or later

A8 Under 10 tournament will be played by players born in 2003 or later

B. Only twenty two (23) players (including 3 net minders) may be registered and play in the tournament unless otherwise agreed and authorized by the tournament organizers. Also a maximum of 5 coaches, managers etc are allowed per team (unless otherwise agreed).

C. Completed team sheets (printed) and Player Registration Cards will be handed to the representative of the Tournament Secretary not later than 60 minutes before the first game of the tournament for each individual team.

All teams must present copies of passports (or original player cards or passports) at least 1 hour before their first game. Teams who fail to do so are not allowed to play and will automatically lose their first game.

No players can be added anymore to the team sheet after the first game of an individual team. All players must be registered before your first game even if they only play on 1 day.

D. Every team must be dressed and ready to take to the ice 5 MINUTES BEFORE THE START OF THEIR GAME. Failure to be ready may result in the offending team losing the points and the game awarded 5 – 0 to their opponents. The decision is up to the Tournament Committee.

E. The first named team will be the HOME TEAM. Home teams play in dark colored shirts, away teams in light colored shirts.

F. The first mentioned team (home team) must take place in the players-box, which is the closest one to the game-clock.

G. The 1st (first) game played by a player for a team is binding in case more than 1 team of a club play in the same age group of any tournament. Players may not be switched between 2 teams under any circumstances. Misuse may result in the offending team losing the points and the game awarded 5 – 0 to their opponents. The decision is up to the Tournament Committee.

H. Damage caused by players or visitors will be on their own expenses. Pardaugava or the ice rink is not responsible. Sticks may not be used (off-ice) at the complex, but only be used (on-ice) during the games.
In case of misbehavior the player(s) concerned will be excluded for the remaining games of the tournament.

I. Only players and coaches mentioned on the Team Sheets will have access to the dressing room. After using the dressing room, it should be left behind clean.

J. Whilst every endeavor will be made by Pardaugava to provide secure rooms, any loss or damage to players kit and property is the responsibility of the individual player or their Team Official.

K. All games will be of three (3x) 15 minutes periods at running time with the last 2 minutes of the 3rd period stop time (maximum time per game 1 hour including warming up).
Exception 1: U-10 tournament will be of two (2x) 15 minutes periods at running time with the last 2 minutes of the game stop time (maximum time per game 45 minutes including warming up).

Between the periods there will be no break!

L. Each team will play other teams once in the preliminary round in their group. For 2nd round games and finals see format of tournament for each individual tournament.

M. Two (2) points for a WIN, one (1) for a DRAW.

N. After the preliminary round (or 2nd round group) the number one seeded will be the team who has accumulated the most points.

O. Team seeding will be calculated in descending points order. In the event of a tie rule “P” – “T” shall apply.

P. In the event of a tie after the games in the individual groups, the winner of the game played between the two tied teams shall take preference.

Q. If, when applied rule “P” still produces a TIE, goal difference will be deemed the winner.

R. If, when applied rule “Q” still produces a TIE, the winner will be the team who has scored the most goals.

S. If, when applied rule “R” still produces a TIE, the team with the least penalty minutes shall be the winner.

T. If, when applied rule “S” still produce a TIE, penalty shots will make the decision (3 per team – if still a TIE series continues with 1 per team until a winner is there).

U. In case of a draw in any (quarter, semi) final, penalty shots will make the decision (series of 3 per team – if still a TIE series continues with 1 per team until a winner is there).
Exception: in case of a draw in the final for 1st/2nd place 5 minutes sudden death overtime will be played (on a 4 against 4 basis + goalie).
If the game is still tied penalty shots as mentioned in this article will be taken.

V. In case of penalty shots the goal which is the closest one to the restaurant will be used (unless otherwise agreed by the referee).

W. Any player is allowed to take a penalty shot. In case of a tie the same player can take a penalty shot over and over again.

X1 The following penalties will apply:

X2 Minor penalties – 2 minutes (running time)

X3 Major penalties – 5 minutes (running time)

X4 A player incurring a Game Misconduct Penalty will be excluded for the rest of the game. In case of a 2nd Game Misconduct Penalty for the same player during the tournament this player will be automatically suspended for the next game in the tournament.

X5 A player who incurs a Match Penalty will be automatically suspended for the next game of the tournament. In case of a 2nd Match Penalty for the same player during the tournament this player will be automatically suspended for the rest of the tournament.



We have formed 4 groups of 5 teams.

All teams play each other once in the preliminary round in their own group.

2A. After the preliminary round numbers 1 and 2 of each group qualifies for group E and F and play for places 1 until 8.

2A1. The teams (8 in total) will be divided over 2 groups of 4 teams in the 2nd round

GROUP E: 1A, 2B, 1C, 2D
GROUP F: 1B, 2A, 2C, 1D

All teams play each other once in the 2nd round in their own group.

2A2. After the 2nd round teams will play semi finals and finals to reach the final seeding in accordance with the game schedule.

2B. After the preliminary round numbers 3 and 4 of each group qualifies for group G and H and play for places 9 until 16.

2B1. The teams (8 in total) will be divided over 2 groups of 4 teams in the 2nd round

GROUP G: 3A, 4B, 3C, 4D
GROUP H: 3B, 4A, 4C, 3D

All teams play each other once in the 2nd round in their own group.

2B2. After the 2nd round teams will play semi finals and finals to reach the final seeding in accordance with the game schedule.

2C. After the preliminary round numbers 5 of each group qualifies for group K and play for places 17 until 20.

Group K: 5A, 5B, 5C, 5D

All teams play each other once in the 2nd round in their own group.

2C1. After 2nd round groups we will have semi finals and finals in accordance with the game schedule.
